Annexin A5 Inhibits Endothelial Inflammation Induced by Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Platelets and Microvesicles via Phosphatidylserine Binding
Tschirhart, Brent J.; Lu, Xiangru; Gomes, Janice; Chandrabalan, Arundhasa; Bell, Gillian; Hess, David A.; Xing, Guangxin; Ling, Hong; Burger, Dylan; Feng, Qingping
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesMicrovesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
annexin A5endothelial cellsendotoxemiaextracellular vesiclesinflammationplateletssepsis
Full TextBiodegradable Mg alloy modified with bioactive exosomes for cardiovascular stent application
Hou, Ya-chen; Li, Jing-an; Cao, Chang; Su, Chang; Qin, Zhen; Zhang, Ge; Guo, Jia-cheng; Tang, Jun-nan; Zhang, Jin-ying; Guan, Shao-kang
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
ApplicationsCardiovascular DiseasesConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Full TextBiophysical and proteomic analyses of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 extracellular vesicles suggest adaptive functions during plant infection
Janda, Martin; Rybak, Katarzyna; Krassini, Laura; Meng, Chen; Feitosa-Junior, Oséias; Stigliano, Egidio; Szulc, Beata; Sklenar, Jan; Menke, Frank L. H.; Malone, Jacob G.; Brachmann, Andreas; Klingl, Andreas; Ludwig, Christina; Robatzek, Silke
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesPathogeneSize MeasurementVesiclesZeta Potential
Arabidopsis thalianaEVsextracellular vesiclesnanoparticle tracking analysisNTApattern-triggered immunityproteomicsPTIPto DC3000
Full TextCord Blood Plasma and Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Derived Exosomes Increase Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells While Maintaining Their Stemness
Teleb, Rasha S.; Abdul-Hafez, Amal; Othman, Amira; Ahmed, Ahmed El-Abd; Elsaid, Abdelrahman A.; Arif, Hattan; Zarea, Ahmed A.; Abdulmageed, Mohammed; Mohamed, Hend; Ibrahim, Sherif Abdelfattah; Thiruvenkataramani, Ranga P.; Mohamed, Tarek; Kanada, Masamitsu; Madhukar, Burra V.; Arellano, Myrna Gonzalez; Sayed, Mohammed M.; Qubaisy, Heba M.; Omar, Said A.
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
exosomesextracellular vesicles (EVs)hematopoietic stem cellsmesenchymal stem cellsplacentaumbilical cordumbilical cord blood transplantation
Full TextEndoplasmin Is a Hypoxia-Inducible Endoplasmic Reticulum-Derived Cargo of Extracellular Vesicles Released by Cardiac Cell Lines
Koncz, Anna; Turiák, Lilla; Németh, Krisztina; Lenzinger, Dorina; Bárkai, Tünde; Lőrincz, Péter; Zelenyánszki, Helga; Vukman, Krisztina V.; Buzás, Edit I.; Visnovitz, Tamás
Membranes 13 (4)
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementDiagnosticsExosomesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesVesicles
cardiomyocyteEndoplasmic reticulum stressexosomeextracellular vesiclemedium EVsmall EV
Full TextEquine mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicle immunopathology biomarker discovery
Reynolds, David E.; Vallapureddy, Phoebe; Morales, Renee‐Tyler T.; Oh, Daniel; Pan, Menghan; Chintapula, Uday; Linardi, Renata L.; Gaesser, Angela M.; Ortved, Kyla; Ko, Jina
Journal of Extracellular Biology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
biomarker discoveryequineextracellular vesicleimmunomodulationmesenchymal stem celltherapeutic
Full TextExtracellular vesicle‑associated tyrosine kinase‑like orphan receptors ROR1 and ROR2 promote breast cancer progression
Irmer, Barnabas; Efing, Janes; Reitnauer, Lea Elisabeth; Angenendt, Allegra; Heinrichs, Saskia; Schubert, Antonia; Schulz, Matthias; Binder, Claudia; Tio, Joke; Hansen, Uwe; Geyer, Christiane; Gerwing, Mirjam; Bleckmann, Annalen; Menck, Kerstin
Cell Communication and Signaling
ApplicationsBreast CancerCancerConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Breast Cancerextracellular vesiclesROR1ROR2tyrosine kinase‑like orphan receptors
Full TextIndependent human mesenchymal stromal cellderived extracellular vesicle preparations differentially attenuate symptoms in an advanced murine graft-versus-host disease model
Madel, Rabea J.; Börger, Verena; Dittrich, Robin; Bremer, Michel; Tertel, Tobias; Phuong, Nhi Ngo Thi; Baba, Hideo A.; Kordelas, Lambros; Staubach, Simon; Stein, Frank; Haberkant, Per; Hackl, Matthias; Grillari, Regina; Grillari, Johannes; Buer, Jan; Horn, Peter A.; Westendorf, Astrid M.; Brandau, Sven; Kirschning, Carsten J.; Giebel, Bernd
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
exosomesextracellular vesiclesgraft-versus-host-diseaseheterogeneitymesenchymal stem cellsmesenchymal stromal cells
Full TextNovel neutrophil extracellular trap-related mechanisms in diabetic wounds inspire a promising treatment strategy with hypoxia-challenged small extracellular vesicles
Chu, Ziqiang; Huang, Qilin; Ma, Kui; Liu, Xi; Zhang, Wenhua; Cui, Shengnan; Wei, Qian; Gao, Huanhuan; Hu, Wenzhi; Wang, Zihao; Meng, Sheng; Tian, Lige; Li, Haihong; Fu, Xiaobing; Zhang, Cuiping
Bioactive materials 27
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementDiabetes TherapyExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesVesicles
Diabetic wound healingEndoplasmic reticulum stresshypoxiaNeutrophil extracellular trapsSmall extracellular vesicles
Full TextOviduct epithelial cell‑derived extracellular vesicles promote the developmental competence of IVF porcine embryos
Fang, Xun; Bang, Seonggyu; Tanga, Bereket Molla; Seo, Chaerim; Zhou, Dongjie; Seong, Gyeonghwan; Saadeldin, Islam M.; Lee, Sanghoon; Cui, Xiang-Shun; Cho, Jongki
Molecular medicine reports 27
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesFertilizationSize MeasurementVesicles
embryoepithelial cellsextracellular vesiclesin vitro fertilizationoviductporcine
Full TextPhosphatidylserine-positive extracellular vesicles boost effector CD8+ T cell responses during viral infection
Rausch, Lisa; Flaskamp, Lavinia; Ashokkumar, Ashretha; Trefzer, Anne; Ried, Christine; Buchholz, Veit R.; Obst, Reinhard; Straub, Tobias; Brocker, Thomas; Kranich, Jan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
CD8 T cellsexosomesextracellular vesiclesLCMVPhosphatidylserine
Full TextPlasma extracellular vesicle proteins as promising noninvasive biomarkers for diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Adduri, Raju S. R.; Cai, Kai; Velasco‐Alzate, Karen; Vasireddy, Ravikiran; Miller, Jeffrey W.; Frías, Sergio Poli de; Frías, Fernando Poli de; Horimasu, Yasushi; Iwamoto, Hiroshi; Hattori, Noboru; Zhang, Yingze; Gibson, Kevin F.; Pal, Anoop K.; Chen, Zhe; Nicastro, Daniela; Li, Li; Cherian, Sujith; Sholl, Lynette M.; Shetty, Sreerama; Ndetan, Harrison; Maeda, Anthony H.; Ferretto, Maria A. Planchart; Hunninghake, Gary M.; Schwartz, David A.; Kass, Daniel J.; Rosas, Ivan O.; Konduru, Nagarjun V.
Journal of Extracellular Biology
ApplicationsBiomarkersConcentration MeasurementDiagnosticsExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Biomarkerchronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (CHP)differential diagnosisELISAextracellular vesiclesidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)interstitial lung diseaseslasso regressionMass spectrometrynoninvasive diagnosisnonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP)proteomicsusual interstitial pneumonia (UIP)
Full TextPlasma-derived extracellular vesicles released after endurance exercise exert cardioprotective activity through the activation of antioxidant pathways
Lisi, Veronica; Senesi, Giorgia; Bertola, Nadia; Pecoraro, Matteo; Bolis, Sara; Gualerzi, Alice; Picciolini, Silvia; Raimondi, Andrea; Fantini, Cristina; Moretti, Elisa; Parisi, Attilio; Sgrò, Paolo; Di Luigi, Luigi; Geiger, Roger; Ravera, Silvia; Vassalli, Giuseppe; Caporossi, Daniela; Balbi, Carolina
Redox Biology
ApplicationsCardiovascular DiseasesConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesVesicles
Antioxidant activitycardioprotectionCatalytic activityextracellular vesiclesPhysical exerciseRedox capacity
Full TextPlasma‑derived small extracellular vesicles unleash the angiogenic potential in head and neck cancer patients
Tengler, Luisa; Schütz, Julia; Tiedtke, Moritz; Jablonska, Jadwiga; Theodoraki, Marie-Nicole; Nitschke, Katja; Weiß, Christel; Seiz, Elena; Affolter, Annette; Jungbauer, Frederic; Lammert, Anne; Rotter, Nicole; Ludwig, Sonja
Molecular Medicine
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesVesicles
Angiogenesisendothelial cellsexosomesHead and neck cancerPlasmaSmall extracellular vesicles
Full TextRgl-exomiR-7972, a novel plant exosomal microRNA derived from fresh Rehmanniae Radix, ameliorated lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury and gut dysbiosis
Qiu, Fen-Sheng; Wang, Jia-Feng; Guo, Mei-Ying; Li, Xue-Jian; Shi, Chang-Yi; Wu, Fang; Zhang, Huan-Huan; Ying, Hua-Zhong; Yu, Chen-Huan
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementPlant Derived NanoparticlesSize MeasurementVesicles
Biofilm formGPR161gut microbiotaHedgehog pathwaymicroRNAplant derived nanoparticlesplant EVsVirulence gene
Full TextThe effect of obesity on uterine receptivity is mediated by endometrial extracellular vesicles that control human endometrial stromal cell decidualization and trophoblast invasion
Galio, Laurent; Bernet, Laetitia; Rodriguez, Yoann; Fourcault, Camille; Dieudonné, Marie‐Noëlle; Pinatel, Hélène; Henry, Céline; Sérazin, Valérie; Fathallah, Khadija; Gagneux, Anissa; Krupova, Zuzana; Vialard, François; Dos Santos, Esther
Journal of Extracellular Biology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
decidualizationembryo implantationextracellular vesiclehuman endometriumobesityproteomicstrophoblast invasion
Full TextVariability of extracellular vesicle release during storage of red blood cell concentrates is associated with differential membrane alterations, including loss of cholesterol-enriched domains
Ghodsi, Marine; Cloos, Anne-Sophie; Mozaheb, Negar; van der Smissen, Patrick; Henriet, Patrick; Pierreux, Christophe E.; Cellier, Nicolas; Mingeot, Marie-Paule; Najdovski, Tomé; Tyteca, Donatienne
Frontiers in physiology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesVesicles
cholesterolintracellular ATPmembrane microviscosityoxidative stressphosphatidylserine surface exposurered blood cell transfusionspectrin networksphingomyelin-enriched domains
Full TextHuman Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Exosomes Ameliorate Periodontitis
Yue, C.; Cao, J.; Wong, A.; Kim, J. H.; Alam, S.; Luong, G.; Talegaonkar, S.; Schwartz, Z.; Boyan, B. D.; Giannobile, W. V.; Sahingur, S. E.; Lin, Z.
Journal of dental research
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
cell therapyexosomesexperimental periodontitishuman bone marrow stromal cellsmiRNAperiodontal inflammation
Full TextNeutral Sphingomyelinase 2 Mediates Oxidative Stress Effects on Astrocyte Senescence and Synaptic Plasticity Transcripts
Zhu, Zhihui; Quadri, Zainuddin; Crivelli, Simone M.; Elsherbini, Ahmed; Zhang, Liping; Tripathi, Priyanka; Qin, Haiyan; Roush, Emily; Spassieva, Stefka D.; Nikolova-Karakashian, Mariana; McClintock, Timothy S.; Bieberich, Erhard
Molecular neurobiology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesVesicles
ceramideextracellular vesiclesGrin2boxidative stress
Full TextFormation of a protein corona on the surface of extracellular vesicles in blood plasma
Eszter Á. Tóth, Lilla Turiák, Tamás Visnovitz, Csaba Cserép, Anett Mázló, Barbara W. Sódar, András I. Försönits, Gábor Petövári, Anna Sebestyén, Zsolt Komlósi, László Drahos, Ágnes Kittel, György Nagy, Attila Bácsi, Ádám Dénes, Yong Song Gho, Katalin É. Szabó-Taylor, Edit I. Buzás
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
EV isolationEV purificationEV size distributionEVs in blood plasmaEVs in rheumatoid arthritisexternal plasma protein cargomedium sized EVsmEVsNTAplasma protein contaminationplasma protein-coated EVsprotein coronaTHP1 derived EVs
Full TextHypoxia-stimulated ATM activation regulates autophagy-associated exosome release from cancer-associated fibroblasts to promote cancer cell invasion
Lei Xi, Meixi Peng, Shuiqing Liu, Yongcan Liu, Xueying Wan, Yixuan Hou, Yilu Qin, Liping Yang, Shanchun Chen, Huan Zeng, Yong Teng, Xiaojiang Cui, Manran Liu
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
ApplicationsBreast CancerCancerConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Autophagy-associated Exosome ReleaseBreast CancerCAF derived exosomescancer associated fibroblastsfibroblast derived exosomestumor developmenttumor progression
Full TextTumour-derived small extracellular vesicles suppress CD8+ T cell immune function by inhibiting SLC6A8-mediated creatine import in NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukaemia
Meixi Peng, Jun Ren, Yipei Jing, Xueke Jiang, Qiaoling Xiao, Junpeng Huang, Yonghong Tao, Li Lei, Xin Wang, Zailin Yang, Zesong Yang, Qian Zhan, Can Lin, Guoxiang Jin, Xian Zhang, Ling Zhang
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
ApplicationsBreast CancerCancerConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
CD63paclitaxeltetraspanintriple-negative breast cancervinorelbine
Full TextExosomal miR-499a-5p promotes cell proliferation, migration and EMT via mTOR signaling pathway in lung adenocarcinoma
Lambros Kordelas, Esther Schwich, Robin Dittrich, Peter A. Horn, Dietrich W. Beelen, Shan He, Ziming Li, Yongfeng Yu, Qingyu Zeng, Yirui Cheng, Wenxiang Ji, Weiliang Xia, Shun Lu
Experimental Cell Research
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesLung CancerSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
cancer biomarkerscancer diagnosiscancer metastasiscarcinogenesisexosomal miRNAexosomeslung cancermicroRNAmiR499amiRNAmTOR pathwaytumor derived exosomes
Full TextExosome-mediated targeted delivery of miR-210 for angiogenic therapy after cerebral ischemia in mice
Huixin Zhang, Jin Wu, Jiahuan Wu, Qi Fan, Jingchao Zhou, Junwen Wu, Sichen Liu, Jie Zang, Jinhai Ye, Ming Xiao, Tian Tian and Jun Gao
Journal of Nanobiotechnology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
AngiogenesisBrain Tissue Repaircerebral ischemiadrug deliveryendogenous delivery systemexosomesischemiaischemic strokemicroRNAmiR-210miRNAmiRNA deliverytargeted deliverytargeted EVs
Full TextInnate extracellular vesicles from melanoma patients suppress β-catenin in tumor cells by miRNA-34a
Jung-Hyun Lee, Jochen Dindorf, Martin Eberhardt, Xin Lai, Christian Ostalecki, Nina Koliha, Stefani Gross,Katja Blume, Heiko Bruns, Stefan Wild, Gerold Schuler, Julio Vera, Andreas S Baur
Life Science Alliance
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
extracellular vesiclesmelanomamelanoma treatmentpEVsplasma-derived EVstumor development
Full TextOptimisation of imaging flow cytometry for the analysis of single extracellular vesicles by using fluorescence-tagged vesicles as biological reference material
André Görgens, Michel Bremer, Rita Ferrer-Tur, Florian Murke, Tobias Tertel, Peter A. Horn, Sebastian Thalmann, Joshua A. Welsh, Christine Probst, Coralié Guerin, Chantal M. Boulanger, Jennifer C. Jones, Helmut Hanenberg, Uta Erdbrügger, Joanne Lannigan, Franz L. Ricklefs, Samir El-Andaloussi and Bernd Giebel
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
Antibody LabellingCD63ev characterizationflow cytometrysEVssingle EV detectionsmall EV characterizationsmall EV identificationsmall EVssubpopulations
Full TextDiet-resistant obesity is characterized by a distinct plasma proteomic signature and impaired muscle fiber metabolism
A B Thrush, G Antoun, M Nikpay, D A Patten, C DeVlugt, J-F Mauger, B L Beauchamp, P Lau, R Reshke, É Doucet, P Imbeault, R Boushel, D Gibbings, J Hager, A Valsesia, R S Slack, O Y Al-Dirbashi, R Dent, R McPherson & M-E Harper.
International Journal of Obesity
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Diet resistanceexosomesfasting conditionshigh fat mealHSP72muscle metabolismobese diet-resistanceobesityoxidative stressplasma proteomicsROS
Full TextEbola Virus VP40 Modulates Cell Cycle and Biogenesis of Extracellular Vesicles
Michelle L Pleet, James Erickson, Catherine DeMarino, Robert A Barclay, Maria Cowen, Benjamin Lepene, Janie Liang, Jens H Kuhn, Laura Prugar, Spencer W Stonier, John M Dye, Weidong Zhou, Lance A Liotta, M Javad Aman, Fatah Kashanchi
The Journal of Infectuos Diseases
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesiclesViruses
Apoptosiscell cycleebola treatmentEbola virusEBOVEBOV pathogenesiEBOV treatmentEV biogenesisEVsextracellular vesiclesmonocyte apoptosispoptosis; cell cycleT cell apoptosisVP40
Full TextExosomal microRNA-21 derived from bronchial epithelial cells is involved in aberrant epithelium-fibroblast cross-talk in COPD induced by cigarette smoking
Xu H, Ling M, Xue J, Dai X, Sun Q, Chen C, Liu Y, Zhou L, Liu J, Luo F, Bian Q, Liu Q.
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementDiagnosticsExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
Bronchial Epithelium-fibroblast Communicationcell-cell communicationchronic obstructive pulmonary diseasecigarette smoke induced COPDCOPDCOPD diagnosisCOPD treatmentCS-induced COPDEVs intercelllar communicationexosomesmicroRNAmiR-21miRNA
Full TextExosome-Derived Dystrophin from Allograft Myogenic Progenitors Improves Cardiac Function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophic Mice
Su X, Jin Y, Shen Y, Ju C, Cai J, Liu Y, Kim IM, Wang Y, Yu H, Weintraub NL, Jiang M, Tang Y.
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
Allogenic Exosomal Deliverycardiomyopathycardiomyopathy treatmentDMDDMD treatmentdrug deliveryduchenne muscular dystrophydystrophinexosomesMPC derived exosomesMPC-exomyogenic progenitor cellstargeted delivery
Full TextExosomes from Suxiao Jiuxin Pill-treated cardiac mesenchymal stem cells decrease H3K27 demethylase UTX expression in mouse cardiomyocytes in vitro
Xiao-fen Ruan, Yong-jun Li, Cheng-wei Ju, Yan Shen, Wei Lei, Can Chen, Yang Li, Hong Yu, Yu-tao Liu, Il-man Kim, Xiao-long Wang, Neal L Weintraub & Yao-liang Tang.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Borneolcardiac mesenchymal stem cellsCD63CD81epigenetic regulationexosomesH3K27 demethylasesH3K27 methylasesPCNASuxiao Jiuxin pilltetramethylpyrazinetraditional chinese medicineUTX
Full TextExosomes originating from MSCs stimulated with TGF-β and IFN-γ promote Treg differentiation
Zhang, Q., Fu, L., Liang, Y., Guo, Z., Wang, L., Ma, C. and Wang, H.
Journal of Cellular Physiology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
CD63CD81CD9cytokinesexosomesIDOIFN-γIL-10immune modulationimmunosuppressive activitymesenchymal stem cellsMSC-exTGF-βtherapeutic effectumbilical cord-derived MSCs
Full TextRemote ischaemic preconditioning increases serum extracellular vesicle concentrations with altered micro‐RNA signature in CABG patients
Ulrich H. Frey, Marina Klaassen, Crista Ochsenfarth, Florian Murke, Matthias Thielmann, Eva Kottenberg, Petra Kleinbongard, Stefanie Klenke, Andrea Engler, Gerd Heusch, Bernd Giebel. Jürgen Peters
Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
CABGcardioprotectioncardiovascular diseasescoronary aretery bypass surgeryEVsextracellular vesiclesmicroRNAmiRNAmyocardial ischaemia injurymyocardial reperfusion injuryremote ischaemic preconditioningRIPC
Full TextA Comparative Study of Serum Exosome Isolation Using Differential Ultracentrifugation and Three Commercial Reagents
Inas Helwa, Jingwen Cai, Michelle D. Drewry, Arthur Zimmerman, Michael B. Dinkins, Mariam Lotfy Khaled, Mutsa Seremwe, W. Michael Dismuke, Erhard Bieberich, W. Daniel Stamer, Mark W. Hamrick, Yutao Liu
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesiclesZeta Potential
CD63CD9differential ultracentrifugationexosomal RNAhigh-density lipoproteinshsa-miR-16hsa-miR-451human serumpolyethylene glycolTEM
Full TextAtg5 Disassociates the V1V0-ATPase to Promote Exosome Production and Tumor Metastasis Independent of Canonical Macroautophagy
Huishan Guo, Maneka Chitiprolu, Luc Roncevic, Charlotte Javalet, Fiona J. Hemming, My Tran Trung, Lingrui Meng, Elyse Latreille, Christiano Tanese de Souza, Danielle McCulloch, R. Mitchell Baldwin, Rebecca Auer, Jocelyn Côté, Ryan Charles Russell, Rémy Sadoul, Derrick Gibbings
Developmental Cell
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
AcidificationAtg5Autophagycancerendosomeexosomesextracellular vesiclesLC3multivesicular bodytumorV1V0-ATPase
Full TextGender-specific differential expression of exosomal miRNA in synovial fluid of patients with osteoarthritis
Kolhe R, Hunter M, Liu S, Jadeja RN, Pundkar C, Mondal AK, Mendhe B, Drewry M, Rojiani MV, Liu Y, Isales CM, Guldberg RE, Hamrick MW, Fulzele S
Scientific Reports - Nature
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Full TextLarger size extracellular vesicle as early biomarker in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer
Dong Uk Kim, Francis A San Lucas, Matthew Cagley, Bret Stephens, Feven C Mulu, Jonathan Castillo, Vincent Bernard, Gauri R. Varadhachary, Matthew H. G. Katz, Hector A Alvarez, Anirban Maitra;
Journal of Clinical Oncology
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesPancreatic CancerSize MeasurementVesicles
Bioactive MoleculesBiomarkerLiquid biopsymetastatispancreatic cancerPDACpredictorstumor progression
Full TextMicroRNA-183-5p Increases with Age in Bone-Derived Extracellular Vesicles, Suppresses Bone Marrow Stromal (Stem) Cell Proliferation, and Induces Stem Cell Senescence
Davis C, Dukes A, Drewry M, Helwa I, Johnson M, Isales CM, Hill WD, Liu Y, Shi X, Fulzele S, Hamrick MW
Tissue engineering
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Full TextNovel Therapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme by Restoring LRRC4 in Tumor Cells: LRRC4 Inhibits Tumor-Infitrating Regulatory T Cells by Cytokine and Programmed Cell Death 1-Containing Exosomes
Peiyao Li, Jianbo Feng, Yang Liu, Qiang Liu, Li Fan, Qing Liu, Xiaoling She, Changhong Liu, Tao Liu, Chunhua Zhao, Wei Wang, Guiyuan Li and Minghua Wu.
Frontiers in Immunology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize Measurement
CCR4CD63CD81CD9exosomeGBM immune microenvironmentGlioblastomaHSP70LRRC4methylation-mediated LRRC4 inactivationmiRNA expressionprogrammed cell death 1regulatory T cellstumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
Full TextExosomes/microvesicles from induced pluripotent stem cells deliver cardioprotective miRNAs and prevent cardiomyocyte apoptosis in the ischemic myocardium
Wang Y, Zhang L, Li Y, Chen L, Wang X, Guo W, Zhang X, Qin G, He S, Zimmerman A, Liu Y, Kim I, Weintraub NL, Tang Y.
International Journal of Cardiology
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementSize MeasurementZeta Potential
ApoptosiscardiomyocytesCD63exosomesinduced pluripotent stem cellsmicroRNAmicrovesiclesmouse cardiac fibroblast (CF)-derived iPS cellsoxidative stressTsg101
Full TextMSC-derived exosomes: a novel tool to treat therapy-refractory graft-versus-host disease
Kordelas, L., Rebmann, V., Ludwig, A.-K., Radtke, S., Ruesing, Jl, Doeppner, T.R., Epple, M., Horn, P.A., Beelen, D.W., and Giebel, B.
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
CD81conditioned mediaEV fractionexosomal markerextracellular vesiclesgraft-versus-host-diseaseimmune-modulating activitiesmicrovesiclesMSC-derived exosomesmultivesicular bodiesTsg101
Full Text