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Your search for cell cycle returned 0 articles and 3 publications
Michelle L Pleet, James Erickson, Catherine DeMarino, Robert A Barclay, Maria Cowen, Benjamin Lepene, Janie Liang, Jens H Kuhn, Laura Prugar, Spencer W Stonier, John M Dye, Weidong Zhou, Lance A Liotta, M Javad Aman, Fatah Kashanchi
The Journal of Infectuos Diseases
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesiclesViruses
Apoptosiscell cycleebola treatmentEbola virusEBOVEBOV pathogenesiEBOV treatmentEV biogenesisEVsextracellular vesiclesmonocyte apoptosispoptosis; cell cycleT cell apoptosisVP40
Full TextX Dai, C Chen, Q Yang, J Xue, X Chen, B Sun, F Luo et al.
Cell Death & Disease
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
ArseniteArsenite-induced Carcinogenesiscell cyclecirculting RNAExosomal circRNA_100284exosomeslivermalignant transformationmiRNAproliferation
Full TextPhillip Munson, Ying-Wai Lam, Julie Dragon, Maximilian MacPherson and Arti Shukla.
The FASEB Journal
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
Asbestos Exposure MesotheliomaCD81cell cyclechromosomal stabilityextracellular vesiclesgene expressionhuman mesothelia cellsproteomic cargoproteomicsTGFbtumorigenesis
Full TextHeadquarter
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