Tag: endothelial cells

Your search for endothelial cells returned 0 articles and 5 publications



Plasma‑derived small extracellular vesicles unleash the angiogenic potential in head and neck cancer patients

Tengler, Luisa; Schütz, Julia; Tiedtke, Moritz; Jablonska, Jadwiga; Theodoraki, Marie-Nicole; Nitschke, Katja; Weiß, Christel; Seiz, Elena; Affolter, Annette; Jungbauer, Frederic; Lammert, Anne; Rotter, Nicole; Ludwig, Sonja

Molecular Medicine


ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesVesicles

Angiogenesisendothelial cellsexosomesHead and neck cancerPlasmaSmall extracellular vesicles

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