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Your search for reactive oxygen species returned 0 articles and 3 publications
Zhang, Yang; Yang, Ning; Huang, Xu; Zhu, Yan; Gao, Shan; Liu, Zhongyang; Cao, Feng; Wang, Yabin
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
ApplicationsColocalizationSize MeasurementVesiclesZeta Potential
biomimetic nanovesiclesmelatoninmitochondrial functionmyocardial infarctionreactive oxygen species
Full TextKristina Svennerholm, Kyong-Su Park, Johannes Wikström, Cecilia Lässer, Rossella Crescitelli, Ganesh V. Shelke, Su Chul Jang, Shintaro Suzuki, Elga Bandeira, Charlotta S. Olofsson & Jan Lötvall.
Scientific Reports
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesOuter Membrane VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles
cardiomyocytescytokineEscherichia coliinflammationLPSOMVouter membrane vesiclesreactive oxygen speciessepsis induced cardiac dysfunctionTroponin T
Full TextMaddison Turner
Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesiclesZeta Potential
diabeteselectronegativityendothelial damageEndothelial MicroparticlesGlucosehyperglycemic environmentoxidative stressreactive oxygen speciestherapeuticvascular injury
Full TextHeadquarter
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