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Your search for Prostate Cancer returned 0 articles and 4 publications
Lijuan Yu; Bingdong Sui; Xin Zhang; Jiayun Liu; Xiaoke Hao; Lei Zheng
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
ApplicationsCancerExosomesExtracellular VesiclesProstate CancerSize MeasurementVesicles
Bone diseasesBone MetabolismmiR-92a-1-5pmiR-92a-1-5p enriched EVsOsteoclast differentiationprostate cancer
Full TextGiulia Furesi, Antonio Miguel de Jesus Domingues, Dimitra Alexopoulou, Andreas Dahl 3, Matthias Hackl Johannes R. Schmidt, Stefan Kalkhof Thomas Kurth, Hanna Taipaleenmäki, Stefanie Conrad, Christine Hofbauer, Martina Rauner and Lorenz C. Hofbauer
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementProstate CancerSize Measurement
exosomal miRNAmetastasesosteoprogenitors
Full TextC. Probert, T. Dottorini, A. Speakman, S. Hunt, T. Nafee, A. Fazeli, S. Wood, J. E. Brown & V. James
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesProstate CancerSize MeasurementTechnical NanoparticlesVesicles
cancer preventioncancer treatmentcell-cell communicationEV cargoEVsextracellular vesiclesPCaprostate cancerprostate cancer treatmenttargeted EVstumor derived exosomes
Full TextChun-Jung Lin, Andrew Dang, Elizabeth Hernandez, Jer-Tsong Hsieh
Cancer Research
ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementInstrument ComparisonProstate CancerSize MeasurementTechnical Nanoparticles
cancer treatmentcastration-resistant prostate cancerchemoresistanceCRPCCRPC treatment resistancePCaprognostic biomarkerprostate cancerprostate cancer treatmenttargeted deliverytargeted EVstargeted exosomesTDEtherapeutic targettumor derived exosomes
Full TextHeadquarter
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