Category: Exosomes

Your search for Exosomes returned 4 articles and 85 publications



Stress increases sperm respiration and motility in mice and men

Nickole Moon; Christopher P. Morgan; Ruth Marx-Rattner; Alyssa Jeng; Rachel L. Johnson; Ijeoma Chikezie; Carmen Mannella; MaryD.Sammel; C. Neill Epperson; Tracy L. Bale

Nature Communications


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesFertilizationSize MeasurementVesicles

sperm motilitysperm respirationstress

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Biodegradable Mg alloy modified with bioactive exosomes for cardiovascular stent application

Hou, Ya-chen; Li, Jing-an; Cao, Chang; Su, Chang; Qin, Zhen; Zhang, Ge; Guo, Jia-cheng; Tang, Jun-nan; Zhang, Jin-ying; Guan, Shao-kang

Journal of Magnesium and Alloys


ApplicationsCardiovascular DiseasesConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

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Cord Blood Plasma and Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Derived Exosomes Increase Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells While Maintaining Their Stemness

Teleb, Rasha S.; Abdul-Hafez, Amal; Othman, Amira; Ahmed, Ahmed El-Abd; Elsaid, Abdelrahman A.; Arif, Hattan; Zarea, Ahmed A.; Abdulmageed, Mohammed; Mohamed, Hend; Ibrahim, Sherif Abdelfattah; Thiruvenkataramani, Ranga P.; Mohamed, Tarek; Kanada, Masamitsu; Madhukar, Burra V.; Arellano, Myrna Gonzalez; Sayed, Mohammed M.; Qubaisy, Heba M.; Omar, Said A.



ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

exosomesextracellular vesicles (EVs)hematopoietic stem cellsmesenchymal stem cellsplacentaumbilical cordumbilical cord blood transplantation

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Equine mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicle immunopathology biomarker discovery

Reynolds, David E.; Vallapureddy, Phoebe; Morales, Renee‐Tyler T.; Oh, Daniel; Pan, Menghan; Chintapula, Uday; Linardi, Renata L.; Gaesser, Angela M.; Ortved, Kyla; Ko, Jina

Journal of Extracellular Biology


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

biomarker discoveryequineextracellular vesicleimmunomodulationmesenchymal stem celltherapeutic

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Improved Wound Healing and Skin Regeneration Ability of 3,2′-Dihydroxyflavone-Treated Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles

Kim, Sehee; Shin, Yeokyung; Choi, Yujin; Lim, Kyung-Min; Jeong, Yeojin; Dayem, Ahmed Abdal; Lee, Yoonjoo; An, Jongyub; Song, Kwonwoo; Jang, Soo Bin; Cho, Ssang-Goo

IJMS (International Journal of Molecular Sciences) 24


ApplicationsExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

anti-inflammationEVsflavonoidMEK/ERK signalMSCswound healing

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Phosphatidylserine-positive extracellular vesicles boost effector CD8+ T cell responses during viral infection

Rausch, Lisa; Flaskamp, Lavinia; Ashokkumar, Ashretha; Trefzer, Anne; Ried, Christine; Buchholz, Veit R.; Obst, Reinhard; Straub, Tobias; Brocker, Thomas; Kranich, Jan

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

CD8 T cellsexosomesextracellular vesiclesLCMVPhosphatidylserine

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Plasma-derived extracellular vesicles released after endurance exercise exert cardioprotective activity through the activation of antioxidant pathways

Lisi, Veronica; Senesi, Giorgia; Bertola, Nadia; Pecoraro, Matteo; Bolis, Sara; Gualerzi, Alice; Picciolini, Silvia; Raimondi, Andrea; Fantini, Cristina; Moretti, Elisa; Parisi, Attilio; Sgrò, Paolo; Di Luigi, Luigi; Geiger, Roger; Ravera, Silvia; Vassalli, Giuseppe; Caporossi, Daniela; Balbi, Carolina

Redox Biology


ApplicationsCardiovascular DiseasesConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementSmall Extracellular VesiclesVesicles

Antioxidant activitycardioprotectionCatalytic activityextracellular vesiclesPhysical exerciseRedox capacity

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Src family kinases engage differential pathways for encapsulation into extracellular vesicles

Chenming Ye; Cade Gosser; Ethan Daniel Runyon; Junyi Zha; Jingwen Cai; Zanna Beharry; Catherine Bowes Rickman; Mikael Klingeborn; Yutao Liu; Jin Xie; Houjian Cai

Journal of Extracellular Biology


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesiclesZeta Potential

extracellular vesiclesheterogeneitymyristoylationpalmitoylationSrc family kinases

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Exosomal miR-17-3p Alleviates Programmed Necrosis in Cardiac Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Regulating TIMP3 Expression

Zhuyuan Liu, Didi Zhu, Fuchao Yu, Mingming Yang, Dan Huang, Zhenjun Ji, Wenbin Lu, and Genshan Ma

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity: Oxidative Stress and Programmed Cell Death in Cardiovascular Diseases


ApplicationsCardiovascular DiseasesConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

miRNAmiaMyocardial ischemia/reperfusion injuryReperfusio

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Fetal Membranes Contribute to Drug Transport across the Feto-Maternal Interface Utilizing the Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP)

Ananthkumar Kammala, Meagan Benson, Esha Ganguly, Enkhtuya Radnaa, Talar Kechichian, Lauren Richardson and Ramkumar Menon

life: New Insights into the Placental and Placental Membrane Pathophysiology of Preterm Birth


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

breast cancer resistance proteindrug transportationpregnancy

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Neutral Sphingomyelinase 2 Mediates Oxidative Stress Effects on Astrocyte Senescence and Synaptic Plasticity Transcripts

Zhu, Zhihui; Quadri, Zainuddin; Crivelli, Simone M.; Elsherbini, Ahmed; Zhang, Liping; Tripathi, Priyanka; Qin, Haiyan; Roush, Emily; Spassieva, Stefka D.; Nikolova-Karakashian, Mariana; McClintock, Timothy S.; Bieberich, Erhard

Molecular neurobiology


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesVesicles

ceramideextracellular vesiclesGrin2boxidative stress

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Diet-resistant obesity is characterized by a distinct plasma proteomic signature and impaired muscle fiber metabolism

A B Thrush, G Antoun, M Nikpay, D A Patten, C DeVlugt, J-F Mauger, B L Beauchamp, P Lau, R Reshke, É Doucet, P Imbeault, R Boushel, D Gibbings, J Hager, A Valsesia, R S Slack, O Y Al-Dirbashi, R Dent, R McPherson & M-E Harper.

International Journal of Obesity


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

Diet resistanceexosomesfasting conditionshigh fat mealHSP72muscle metabolismobese diet-resistanceobesityoxidative stressplasma proteomicsROS

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TNFα and IL-1β modify the miRNA cargo of astrocyte shed extracellular vesicles to regulate neurotrophic signaling in neurons

Amrita Datta Chaudhuri, Raha M. Dastgheyb, Seung-Wan Yoo, Amanda Trout, C. Conover Talbot Jr, Haiping Hao, Kenneth W. Witwer & Norman J. Haughey.

Cell Death & Disease


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

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Atg5 Disassociates the V1V0-ATPase to Promote Exosome Production and Tumor Metastasis Independent of Canonical Macroautophagy

Huishan Guo, Maneka Chitiprolu, Luc Roncevic, Charlotte Javalet, Fiona J. Hemming, My Tran Trung, Lingrui Meng, Elyse Latreille, Christiano Tanese de Souza, Danielle McCulloch, R. Mitchell Baldwin, Rebecca Auer, Jocelyn Côté, Ryan Charles Russell, Rémy Sadoul, Derrick Gibbings

Developmental Cell


ApplicationsCancerConcentration MeasurementExosomesExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

AcidificationAtg5Autophagycancerendosomeexosomesextracellular vesiclesLC3multivesicular bodytumorV1V0-ATPase

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