Tag: NTA

Your search for NTA returned 1 articles and 6 publications



Formation of a protein corona on the surface of extracellular vesicles in blood plasma

Eszter Á. Tóth, Lilla Turiák, Tamás Visnovitz, Csaba Cserép, Anett Mázló, Barbara W. Sódar, András I. Försönits, Gábor Petövári, Anna Sebestyén, Zsolt Komlósi, László Drahos, Ágnes Kittel, György Nagy, Attila Bácsi, Ádám Dénes, Yong Song Gho, Katalin É. Szabó-Taylor, Edit I. Buzás

Journal of Extracellular Vesicles


ApplicationsConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

EV isolationEV purificationEV size distributionEVs in blood plasmaEVs in rheumatoid arthritisexternal plasma protein cargomedium sized EVsmEVsNTAplasma protein contaminationplasma protein-coated EVsprotein coronaTHP1 derived EVs

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