Category: Application

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Example of an F-NTA measurement of a bacteriophage Phi6 preparation labelled with Sybr™Gold nucleic acid stain (blue curve) and Cellbrite® Fix 640 lipid layer stain (red curve) compared to scatter-based NTA (grey curve). Purity was calculated to be 82% for dsRNA and 85% for lipid layer containing phage particles.

Rapid determination of purity, integrity and titer
of viruses by Fluorescence Nanoparticle Tracking
Analysis (F-NTA) using the bacteriophage Phi6

Determination of the titer of viruses and bacteriophages is an indispensable key technology in virological research and for diagnostic purposes. Depending on the method used, the measurements are either qualitative or quantitative, very time-consuming, and do not provide information about integrity or aggregation behaviour of the virus particles. Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis with the Particle Metrix ZetaView® instrument allows the user to perform a rapid concentration determination of virus particles. Using the bacteriophage Phi6 as an example, we show how titer, purity and integrity of phage particles can be measured quickly and reliably using the fluorescence detection capability of the Particle Metrix ZetaView® instrument.

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