Tag: MT

Your search for MT returned 0 articles and 1 publications



Endothelial derived, secreted long non-coding RNAs Gadlor1 and Gadlor2 aggravate cardiac remodeling

Merve Keles; Steve Grein; Natali Froese; Dagmar Wirth; Felix A. Trogisch; Rhys Wardman; Shruthi Hemanna; Nina Weinzierl; Philipp-Sebastian Koch; Stefanie Uhlig; Santosh Lomada; Gesine M. Dittrich; Malgorzata Szaroszyk; Ricarda Haustein; Jan Hegermann; Abel Martin-Garrido; Johann Bauersachs; Derk Frank; Norbert Frey; Karen Bieback; Julio Cordero; Gergana Dobreva; Thomas Wieland; Joerg Heineke

Molecular Therapy, Nucleic Acids


ApplicationsCardiovascular DiseasesConcentration MeasurementExtracellular VesiclesSize MeasurementVesicles

calcium/ calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IIcardiac angiogenesisextracellular vesiclesheart failurehypertrophyMTnon-coding RNAs

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